17 Ultimate Tips For Making Homemade Fishing Baits Success




Tips For Making Homemade Fishing Baits

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Ever felt the pinch of purchasing pricey fishing baits, only to return empty-handed at day’s end? You’re not alone. After delving deep into the world of homemade bait options and just how captivating they can be for fish, I’ve unearthed some pretty fascinating finds.

This piece unveils 17 ultimate tips designed to reel you back into your cherished pastime using homemade baits concocted from everyday kitchen items! Intrigued? Grab your rod – it’s time to fish our way through this together!

Key Takeaways

  • Different fish prefer different baits, so it’s important to know your target fish before choosing your bait.
  • Check the fishing rules in your area to make sure you’re using allowed baits that won’t harm the fish or plants in the lake.
  • Using leftover prawns and shrimp as bait can attract a wide range of fish species, but be cautious about using certain types of leftover fish that may promote diseases among other aquatic life.
  • Bread, crushed cornflakes, Weetabix, and muesli are effective options for homemade fishing baits.
  • Apples are a great fruit bait option that attracts trout and carp while floating on the water’s surface. Avoid bringing bananas on board since they’re considered bad luck by many fishermen. Corn is affordable and works well for catching various types of fish like perch and catfish.
  • Sunflower seeds, peanuts, and hemp seeds can be used as natural alternatives for making homemade fishing baits. They contain essential nutrients that attract fish.
  • Repurposing bottle tops into lures and exploring alternative bait options are effective DIY fishing gear hacks.

What Fish Are You Targeting?

Different fish prefer different baits. Think about the fish you want to catch. For catfish, you can use homemade bait recipes with cheese or other strong-smelling foods. Carp like sweet corn and fruit-flavored boilies.

If we’re talking about saltwater fish, a chum recipe works well. This uses ground-up baitfish.

Bass fishing needs special lures for success. Some of the best ones mimic small fish or frogs. Knowing your target helps choose the right bait and increases your chance to catch that prized fish! Let’s not forget there are other baits too — hot dogs, sausages, bacon; even fruits and sweets work on some days in attracting certain fishes!

Check if You’re Allowed to Use Your Bait

Some places have fishing rules. You must know what they are. They tell you the right kind of bait to use in warm water lakes. Some baits are not good for fish or plants in the lake.

You can find the fishing laws in your place on a website or at a local store that sells bait and hooks. If you don’t follow these laws, you may get into trouble with law officers.

Checking first will help keep our lakes full of healthy fish for everyone to enjoy. This also helps take care of plants and other things living there too!

Abide By Fishing Seasons

Fishing seasons are set for a good reason. They help keep fish populations healthy. It’s not just the law, but it also helps fish grow and breed well. I always make sure I know when fishing season starts and ends in my area.

Using the right bait during each season can up your game too! Certain baits work better at different times of the year. Also, some baits are not allowed in certain seasons. Always follow these rules to avoid trouble with the law!

Leftover Fish as Bait

Leftover fish can be a great source of bait for fishing, especially prawns which are highly effective in attracting certain types of fish. However, make sure to exclude any fish that may promote diseases or parasites among other aquatic life.


Prawns and shrimp are excellent choices for fishing bait. They can attract a wide range of fish species, including catfish, perch, and various sea species. If you have leftover prawns or shrimp from your last seafood dinner, don’t throw them away – use them as bait instead! However, it’s important to note that not all types of leftover fish are suitable for bait.

Be sure to check which kinds of fish can promote diseases before using any leftovers as bait. To maximize your chances of success when using prawns or shrimp as bait, consider using pellets made from organic matter specifically designed for this purpose.

These pellets are often the most effective option for attracting different species of fish when using prawns or shrimp as bait.

Exclude Fish that Can Promote Diseases

Using certain types of fish as bait can actually promote the spread of diseases among fish populations. It’s important to be aware of this and avoid using fish like trout and salmon as bait, as they can carry disease-causing pathogens.

This is especially crucial if you’re planning on releasing the fish you catch back into the water, as it can contribute to the transmission of diseases. Instead, opt for other bait options that are safer and won’t pose a risk to fish health.

Bread as Bait

Bread can be a surprisingly effective bait for catching fish, especially in freshwater environments.

Stale Pieces

I love using stale bread as bait when I go fishing. It’s a great way to use up leftover or unused pieces of bread and reduce food waste. Stale bread can be blended into crumbs and mixed with a liquid attractor to create an effective bait.

If you let the bread crumb go stale and dry it until it becomes hard, you can also make a paste that works really well for fishing. Whether you’re float fishing or ledgering, stale bread can be used in various fishing techniques.

To make your bait even more enticing, consider adding additives or additional attractors to enhance its effectiveness. Give it a try next time you’re out on the water!

Method Feeders

Method feeders are a great option for fishing, especially when using bread as bait. This technique can yield results right from the first day. I learned some easy secrets of method feeder fishing from Gary Evans’ illustrated article.

He didn’t promote any specific brand of bait, which was helpful. If you want to try this technique, you can use PVA/rocket feeders with the method rig. It’s an effective way to attract fish and increase your chances of success.

A photo of a fishing rod with various bait options next to a fishing rule book, surrounded by people with different appearances and outfits, in a lively and well-lit setting.

Cereal as Bait

Use crushed cornflakes, Weetabix, or muesli as bait options to attract a wide range of fish species.

Crushed Cornflakes

Crushed cornflakes are a popular choice when it comes to fishing bait. They can be really effective in attracting fish, especially catfish. When you crush the cornflakes into smaller pieces, they release a scent that lures the fish towards your hook.

This makes it easier for you to catch them. Not only do crushed cornflakes work well on their own, but you can also combine them with other ingredients to make homemade fishing baits.

For example, mixing crushed cornflakes with yellow corn flour or white corn flour is a great way to create bait specifically for carp fishing. So next time you go fishing, don’t forget about using crushed cornflakes as part of your bait strategy!


Weetabix cereal is a great option for fishing bait. It’s cheap, clean, and easy to use. Plus, fish are familiar with Weetabix as bait, so they’re more likely to bite when you use it.

Whether you’re fishing in the UK or elsewhere, Weetabix can be effective for coarse fishing in any season. Give it a try and see how many bites you get!


Muesli is a great option to use as bait for fishing, especially when combined with cereal. It is made up of rolled oats, dried fruit, seeds, and nuts, which makes it very appealing to fish.

Using muesli as homemade bait can significantly improve your chances of catching fish. By combining muesli with cereal, you can create a mixture that is highly effective in attracting fish.

This method has been proven successful in UK angling and can help you have a more productive fishing experience.

Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are another great option for homemade fishing bait.


Apples are a great fruit to use as bait when you’re fishing. They are easy to find and they attract different types of fish, like trout and carp. Apples have a strong scent that can lure fish towards your hook.

Plus, apples float in the water which makes them an enticing target for fish swimming near the surface. Another benefit is that apples last longer than some other baits, so you don’t have to worry about changing it too often.

So next time you go fishing, consider using apples as bait, you might be surprised by the results!


I love fishing, but there’s one thing I always avoid bringing on my boat: bananas. It may sound superstitious, but many fishermen believe that bananas bring bad luck. So, if you want to have a successful fishing trip, it might be best to leave the bananas at home.

But did you know that bananas are not just unlucky fruits? They’re also packed with nutrients like potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Plus, there are so many different types of bananas out there! From the popular Cavendish banana to the unique Red Banana or Lady Finger banana, you’ll never run out of options.

Bananas have a long history in trade and cultivation too. They’re grown in various parts of the world and play an important role in the fishing industry as well. So next time you go fishing, maybe skip the banana snack on board but don’t forget to appreciate this versatile fruit for all its benefits!


Corn is a great bait for fishing. It works well for catching trout, carp, bluegill, perch, and catfish. You can use corn in different forms like kernels or sweetcorn to attract the fish.

The best thing about corn is that it’s affordable and easy to find. Many anglers prefer using corn because it’s rich in carbs and nutrients, which makes it a tasty treat for fish. So next time you go fishing, don’t forget to bring some corn as your secret weapon!

Seeds and Nuts

Seeds and nuts can be an excellent option for homemade fishing bait. From sunflower seeds to peanuts and hemp seeds, these natural alternatives can attract a wide variety of fish. Want to know more about the best ways to use them? Keep reading!

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are a great option for making homemade fishing baits. They have high nutritional value, with about 6 grams of protein and 14 grams of oils in just one ounce. The fats in sunflower seeds are mostly unsaturated, which is good for your health.

Sunflower seeds are also important because they’re one of the leading oil-producing seeds in the world. However, it’s worth noting that sunflower seeds can become rancid over time due to their high fat content.

So make sure to store them properly to prevent rancidity and get the most out of their health benefits when using them as bait.


Peanuts are a great choice for homemade fishing bait. They are high in protein and contain important nutrients like iron, magnesium, and vitamin E. Not only are they nutritious, but peanuts also have a strong nutty scent that attracts fish.

You can use whole peanuts or make peanut butter to use as bait. It’s easy to apply the peanut butter to your hook and it will stay on well while you’re fishing. Plus, peanuts are readily available at most grocery stores, making them a convenient option for DIY bait.

So next time you go fishing, give peanuts a try and see how effective they can be in attracting fish!

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are a great option for making homemade fishing baits. They are packed with nutritional content, including protein and essential amino acids. Hemp seeds also contain gamma-linolenic acid, which has various health benefits.

These seeds can be used as a sustainable protein source in aquafeeds, making them an eco-friendly choice. It’s important to note that hemp seeds have little to no THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana, so they won’t make you high.

Additionally, hemp seed oil is high in unsaturated fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, which are good for your overall health. By using hemp seeds in your homemade fishing baits, you’ll not only attract fish but also benefit from their nutritious properties.

Effective Tips for DIY Fishing Gear Hacks

I’ve got some great tips for you to save time, money, and aggravation with your homemade fishing baits. Check out these effective DIY fishing gear hacks:

  1. Repurpose bottle tops: Don’t throw away those disposable bottle tops! They can be turned into lures that you can use multiple times. It’s a creative and affordable way to add variety to your tackle box.
  2. Use alternative fish bait options: If you don’t have worms or want to try something different, smelly foods like chicken, cheese, or hot dogs can be used as bait. They might attract different types of fish than traditional bait.
  3. Crush up cereal flakes: Instead of using live bait, try crushing up cereal flakes like cornflakes or Weetabix and mixing them with water to create a paste. This can be effective for attracting certain fish species.
  4. Try fruit and vegetables: Apples, bananas, and corn can also be used as bait. They emit natural scents that fish find appealing. Just make sure to cut them into small pieces to make it easier for the fish to bite.
  5. Experiment with seeds and nuts: Sunflower seeds, peanuts, and hemp seeds can all work well as bait options too. These items are readily available at most grocery stores and are inexpensive alternatives to live bait.
  6. Get creative with DIY lures: Instead of buying expensive lures, consider making your own from materials like feathers, beads, or even old jewelry. You’d be surprised at how effective homemade lures can be!
  7. Research local fishing regulations: Before using homemade baits, make sure you’re allowed to use them in your area. Different fishing seasons may also affect what types of bait you can use.
  8. Take advantage of leftover fish: If you’ve caught fish before going out on another trip, don’t waste any leftovers! Prawns or other non-disease promoting fish can be used as bait to attract more fish.
  9. Use stale bread as bait: If you have stale bread lying around, don’t throw it away. It can be used as bait, especially with method feeders. Simply mold the bread around the feeder and cast it out.
  10. Follow tips from Joshua Taylor: Check out online tutorials by fishing enthusiasts like Joshua Taylor for more DIY fishing gear hacks and tips on making homemade baits successful.

Conclusion on Making Homemade Fishing Baits

In conclusion, these 17 ultimate tips will help you succeed in making homemade fishing baits. From using peanut butter and hot dogs to bread and fruits, there are plenty of food items that can attract fish.

Don’t forget to try making your own fishing lures as well. With these tips, you’ll be ready for a great fishing adventure!

FAQs on Making Homemade Fishing Baits

1. What are some common ingredients for making homemade fishing baits?

Common ingredients for making homemade fishing baits include bread, cornmeal, cheese, worms, and various spices or flavorings.

2. Can I use homemade fishing baits instead of store-bought ones?

Yes, you can use homemade fishing baits as an alternative to store-bought ones. Many anglers find success with their own handmade baits.

3. Are there any specific tips for making homemade fishing baits more effective?

Some tips for making homemade fishing baits more effective are experimenting with different flavors or scents, using natural ingredients found in the fish’s environment, and shaping the bait to resemble a preferred food source.

4. How long does it take to make homemade fishing baits?

The time it takes to make homemade fishing baits depends on the recipe and your familiarity with the process. It can range from a few minutes to several hours.

5. What types of fish can be caught using homemade fishing baits?

Various types of fish can be caught using homemade fishing baits including bass, trout, catfish, carp, and panfish like bluegill or sunfish.

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